The Spirit Gathering
Welcome To The Spirit Gathering
Enjoy a beautiful area with joyful vibes, live music, a sacred fire, various workshops, ceremonies and healing.
Relax in the lounge; our Home, a comfortable space with nutritious food & drinks,
relaxed dj tunes and the art, music & knowledge podium.
Experience a community-style gathering where love & sharing come naturally,
growth is stimulated and inspiration is contagious.
Visitors and crew co-create organically.
To apply to our team, please read the texts & scroll down.
Application will be only valid through the Application Form
In case of other questions write to: thespiritgathering@gmail.com

The Spirit Gathering
~ Community ~
At Psy-Fi Festival - 8-14 July - 2025 - "Genesis"
The Spirit Gathering is a place where Shamans, Lightworkers, Earthkeepers and Gridworkers from all over the world combine forces, opening up a field for healing and transformation. It's an open platform for sharing, connection and igniting passion. By naturally stimulating individual and collective development and the absorption of skills and knowledge, we weave a new world together.
We would like to invite you to our home, a warm and lively place where you can be yourself. To share your soul and enjoy the music around the Sacred Fire or at the Art, Music & Knowledge Stage. To be embraced in love, healing, compassion and fun. Welcome your Spirit to The Gathering. Our home, a lounge where chill tunes are played while tea and healthy foods are served, is open 24 hours - 5 days. During the festival you can take part in many activities, healings, ceremonies, workshops and more.
This will be the 8th year that we are on Psy-Fi festival. It used to take place in The Netherlands. The last one was in 2019. After some difficult years for Psy-Fi to organize this beautiful festival, they found a new land to ground and settle. This year we can combine our forces again, it will take place in Sarow, a small village, less then 2,5 hrs drive up north from Berlin, Germany. We are an independent organization within the Psy-Fi festival, working with the Psy-Fi festival organization.
We operate as a community during the festival, like a big family creating a little village of healing and creativity within the festival. We are looking for people who are intrinsically excited to support The Spirit Gathering and who wish to share their wisdom, talents, gifts and be a part of the crew of The Spirit Gathering.
We invite people who want to contribute and co-create in one of the spaces.
To apply for the Spirit Gathering at Psy-Fi Festival:
- Scroll down for the application form button-​
We are looking forward to co create!
Much Love,
The Spirit Gathering Organisation

The Spirit Gathering

Spaces in our Area
Before applying to our team, please read the texts to get to know us, to have a feeling with the different spaces and the way we would like to co create. So you will have an idea where and how you could fit best with your talents.

Mens Temple &
Womens Temple

We provide separate Tipi Temples for men and women where a variety of masculine and feminine themed sharing circles and workshops can take place. A field to deeply connect with brothers and sisters and playfully investigate the nature of male and female principles. We are looking for men and women who are inspired to share their gifts and wisdom in circles.
We are looking for men and women who are inspired to share their gifts and wisdom in circles.

Workshop Circle

This is our outside workshop space, for small and large groups. We are looking for people to give workshops, classes and other group activities themed around healthy life, mind, body, and soul, such as yoga, meditation or dance workshops.
This area is also suitable for performances.
If you have a “thing” you’d like to share that you think will fit, we look forward to hearing from you.

Aurora's Light Shop
Handmade, Organic & Shamanic Items

A little shop in our area, with Shamanic items, unique crystals, handmade products, organic plant tinctures, oils and balms. Made by ourselves or products to support Tribes from the Amazon forest.

Ceremonial Tipi

This space is created for shamans, lightworkers, wisdom keepers and individuals who provide plant medicine ceremonies, healing ceremonies, workshops or any form of circle to share with larger groups that benefit from the safe and intimate space.
Are you someone, who is an experienced facilitator in this field?
We are looking forward hearing from you.

Healing Tipi's;
Individual Sessions, Massage & Healing

There are several tipis for a variety of individual sessions; masseurs, healers, therapists and other forms of well-being practitioners to provide their services.
We are looking for masseurs, healers, therapists or other practitioners that would like to support our area.

Workshops, Breathwork &
Sound Healing

An intimate space for sound healers, breathwork facilitators and other forms of well-being practitioners to work with groups.
​We are looking for sound healers, breath-work facilitators, therapists and other forms of well-being practitioners to work with groups to utilize this space.

Bar & Kitchen
in the Lounge

The Bar & Kitchen are in our home, it is open 24/7.
We are looking for volunteers to run the bar, selling tea and food items and also keeping the home clean & comfortable for all of us.
We are looking for experienced foodies to take responsibility for our kitchen and to oversee workflow and deliver the results. We are also looking for kitchen helpers/volunteers to assist the foodies in the food preparation and keeping the kitchen clean and running.

Info &
Sign-up Point

Our Info and Sign up point helps people discover the variety of opportunities best suited for them. It also facilitates the signing up for our ceremonies and events. We need open, sociable volunteers who enjoy helping others make the most of their time at The Spirit Gathering by giving information and oversee the sign up in our area.
We are looking open, sociable people who would enjoy helping others make the most of their time at The Spirit Gathering to give information and oversee the sign up in our area. It is a voluntary job.

Build-up, Deco and Break down Teamwork

*All-rounders - Decoration - Runner -
Build up & Break down
Before, during & after the festival, there are enough tasks to do and assist with. Namely creating decorations, assisting with building up and breaking down as well as taking care of odd and ends and assisting others in their areas.
In this job it is important to be very flexible and willing to be placed to assist with a wide variety of tasks as needed. We have a few places for people as general assistance. It is a voluntary job.

The Lounge
'Our Home'

The home of The Spirit Gathering is a warm, welcoming and lively place where people can relax, recharge with food & drink, listen to some acoustic music or chill dj-tunes and to meet people for some good & inspiring talks.
Welcome your Spirit to The Gathering.

Sacred Fire

The Sacred Fire is the heart of our area and a place of transformation for many at the festival. It is kept 24/5 by our team of experienced firekeepers. Fire ceremonies, storytellings, rituals and many spontaneous musical jam sessions occur daily.
There is the possibility to contribute by being one of our firekeepers, experience is an advantage. It is a voluntary job.

Art, Music & Knowledge Stage

The Art, Music & Knowledge Podium, situated in the homely lounge, offers the perfect atmosphere for performances in an intimate setting.
People who have interesting lectures, music-performances, poetry, storytelling or other concepts of a suitable format to share are invited to present their ideas.

Almost there! The last part to read about the Team Alignment & the Exchange, then the application button appears!
Before you apply, please read the following:
Team Alignment
The qualities we are looking for:
✦ First of all that you feel that you want to be a part of the gathering. To co-create a beautiful and powerful area together.
✦ We are asking from all team members to be at least present from Tuesday 8th of July until Monday 14th of July. It is important to come together already on Tuesday to set out a safe, warm and stable energy-field and to generate a natural working flow in the community before the festival guests flood in.
✦ It is a big plus if you are able to come and help to build up (build-up starts from Monday May 30th) or stay to break down.
✦ As a facilitator it is a pre if you are also willing to help out with some shifts behind the bar, kitchen, info point or anywhere in the area to bring in your energy to support the community.
✦ We require open, honest and clear communication. Sometimes it can be intense during the festival. We ask that you come to solutions together and communicate to resolve challenging situations. With trust and understanding we can overcome any obstacle.
✦ We expect that you have the ability to manage personal processes alongside tasks. Taking responsibility for your tasks and taking care of yourself in such a way that your responsibility is met. This just means that we can trust that you are OK and that we can take care of any issues together before breakdowns occur.
✦ We ask to take initiative within the group. Have eyes for what is needed in the area. Take care of one another. Share your support, feedback and ideas.
✦ We are asking everyone to feel responsible for the vibe of the space. To stay aligned with the Spirit Gathering concept. We require that during your work and shifts you are clear of mind and not under the influence of mind altering substances.
✦ You deliver what is agreed in terms of hours and responsibilities. The specific terms of your relationship will depend on the nature of your contributions, as well as your preferences and will be discussed in further contact.
Exchange Volunteers
✦ You will work together as a team and can expect to work 6 hours a day during one or more shifts.
✦ In exchange you will receive a full festival ticket.
✦ 3 meals a day.
✦ A camping spot in our backstage area for as long as you are in attendance.
✦ An amazing time being part of a warm community and healing area.
Exchange Bar & Kitchen Chefs
✦ The Kitchen chef, sous chef and Barchefs are free to manage their own working hours and are simply required to meet their responsibilities.
✦ In exchange you will receive a full festival ticket
✦ 3 meals a day
✦ A camping spot in our backstage area for as long as you are in attendance
✦ An amazing time being part of a warm community and healing area.​
✦ A financial exchange appropriate to the level of your responsibilities and contribution. This will be arranged through invoice.
Exchange Facilitators, Artists, Space keepers
✦ As facilitator, artist and or Space keeper you share your offerings according to the schedule we will provide.
✦ As a facilitator or artist you are willing to help out with some shifts behind the bar, kitchen, info point or anywhere in the area to bring in your energy to support the community.
✦ Spacekeepers also take care of their assigned and agreed space in a manner that is suitable and aligned with the agreement, they are not required to work other types of shifts in the community, but always welcome to do so.
✦ In exchange you will receive a full festival ticket
✦ 3 meals a day
✦ A camping spot in our backstage area for as long as you are in attendance
✦ An amazing time being part of a warm community and healing area.​
✦ A financial exchange appropriate to the level of your responsibilities and contribution. This will be arranged through invoice.