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Terms & Conditions:
Information for cancelling or refund for events/sessions
If you can't come or want to cancel your booking.
Please read the list below for more information
For Events, workshops, retreats & ceremonies:
* 14 days or more days before the event - 100% refund
* 7 - 14 days before the event - 50% of paid amount refund
* 4 - 7 days before the event - 25 % of paid amount refund
* 0 - 4 days before the event - no refund
For private sessions:
* 14 days or more days before the session - 100% refund
* 7 - 14 days before the event - 75% of paid amount refund
* 4 - 7 days before the event - 50 % of paid amount refund
* 0 - 4 days before the event - no refund
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